
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Back from the Sydney Contemporary

It is so odd, so strange in a way that after focussing for almost 6 months on preparing for this show, that here I am, home again and it has been and gone!

It was a full week - busy and buzzy. Loads of people and lots of connections made. Quite challenging in its own way dealing with the hoards of folk who visit - trying to work out who might be interested in printmaking; who  is simply meandering; and then who might actually be interested in your own work.

It was a great week as well - the four us who travelled and presented under Good to Print Studio all sold work which was great validation.  My work is never the kind of work that folk necessarily want to have hanging on their dining room wall given its tough social messages, but a few folk worked their way through that and took it home which is very much appreciated.

Our set up after we set up - looking quite minimal and professional.

Slightly less minimal on the way through!  Love that we had to wear hi vis.

The further we went through the Show - the more we added to the table.  Observing the hesitancy of some folk to walk around and look at the wall; we brought some works closer to them.

One of the real highlights for me was catching up with friends and family and meeting friends for the first time in real life!

Here I am meeting Mo Orkiswewski from Its Crow Time for the first time. Another one of those lovely blogging connections - where you know you are kindred spirits before you actually meet because you have shared and understood and learned from each other in the world of blog for quite some time beforehand. 

And with my dear friend Karen who took some great photos for me and we talked about feminisism and women and art...

We were fortunate to have Kate Evans from Radio National come along and interview all four of us as well as Akky, the Curator of the Sydney Paper Contemporary.  Once again, talking with my hands, even for radio!

I will let folk know when the story goes to air...

 My book What?Why?What?What? on display.

My four letterpress works and my four calligraphic works on the wall. They worked well in their grouping I thought.

I sold a full suite of letterpress works and one calligraphic work. I do love a red dot - not just for me but for everyone. Always makes me smile when I see a red dot. People are buying art they love; and artists are having their work bought and recognised.

 And Tory caught this moment when I first met Mo, and got to show her I was wearing the dress I had recently made!

All in all an amazing week - surrounded by fabulous art which I shall share in the next couple of posts - and in the company of wonderful artists and printmakers and friends.


  1. (((Fiona))) you make such good magic and wow great photos!

    1. Fabulous photo of the reveal Mo! And so good, so good to meet...thank you.

  2. Well done Fiona, your work speaks at an important level and it must be so gratifying to see how it connects with red dots no less as well as with eliciting a second glance and response. Wonderful to see you with Mo. You both are artists who bring so much to your Art, giving such depth, understanding and clarity to all of us with your works.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Marti. It is special when folk notice or understand the work...and yes - the magic of actually meeting Mo! How incredible that was!

  3. we started having to wear hi-vis jackets for setting up shows now as well.

    and as for talking with your hands, well, you work with them, so why not!
    Sandy in the UK

    1. Love that Sandy - if I work with them, I can talk with them! The hi vis was pretty funny - and whilst there may have been the odd moment when we were taking risks; they were few and far between...still fun to wear it!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.