
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Carriage works - the space

In so many ways the Sydney Contemporary at Carriageworks was HUGE. It was bustling, buzzing and so full of people.  But we were fortunate in the quiet moments before setting up and before opening each day, to wander through this magnificent space and enjoy its history and its vastness; its age and its beauty.

The tracks where the railway carriages used to pass are an ongoing reminder of its past.

Little half doors and shafts of light.

Walls of beauty.

More tracks and lines.

Industrial strength beams and posts.

A quiet moment, coffee with Barry before the day began...

After packing up, and as we walked out for the last time;  I let this forklift go by. It shows the scale of the place well I think.

A magnificent building, a fabulous showing space; a wonderful retention of our past, used for our present and our future.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.