
Sunday, October 8, 2017

Inky peace

Barry's dear friend Jeff had a love of fountain pens and ink beyond compare. When his widow Evi visited through the week, she brought with her some of his inks, just in case I might like to use them.

I fell in love with the bottles straightaway - so elegant - and wondered if perhaps they should just be things of beauty and not functional.

But then I got out a few nibs and did a few trials to see if they would work with dip pens and nibs, rather than just in fountain pens.

Fun was had.

The bottles are gorgeous. And also all full!

I put them to use making covers for a few wee journals. Overwriting on large piece of paper.

Then cutting the sheet down to make three covers for three small books.

Whilst in experimenting and playing mode I went and got out my fine-tec metallics; which I bought a year ago and have never touched till now.  I wrote imagine peace in a  large gothic style, and again cut the sheet up for a couple of wee journals.

The gold really shines

 All journals are hand stitched with a chain stitch style along the spine.

 We are heading away for a bit soon, and I will take these along with me.


  1. What a lovely way to remember someone and produce some beautiful work.

  2. They're yummy and look almost like perfume bottles !

    1. I agree! They are stunning objects and you can almost smell them...

  3. such beautiful inks, books & post!

  4. Wowee, those inks and color names! Great!

    1. I think they are lovely combinations Valerianna - the perfect package almost! Go well.

  5. I'm sure he'd be glad to know you're using these Fiona. That gold is to die for!

    1. He would definitely smile Lesley - and I agree re that gold. Can’t believe I’ve had it for a year and not played with it, good grief!


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