
Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday Thoughts...

"The older I grow, the more I listen to people who don’t talk much." 

Germain G. Glidden.

It is most definitely true for me that the older I grow, the quieter and more introverted I seem to become.  I don't know if its the life of the artist; the life on a mountain top; or the life of working from home; all I know is that it gets harder to gather in large groups; to attend things where I don't know anybody.

I think its always been a preference - staying home with a good book - but I can almost feel a physical need for it more these days.

And so, to the quote.

Isn't this precious?  I have really found it to be quite true in lots of ways.  Some of the wisest  and most caring people I have come across don't seem to say much.  They seem to listen. They allow you to be heard. They encourage you to explore and find your own answers.

I think it is saying I pay more attention to those who don't say much because often what they say really matters. The words have been weighed, or simply are so perfectly instinctively right; they don't need to say much.

This just seems to say something about being quiet, listening and not saying much...
Stockholm 2017.


  1. I can't count how many times I've tried to convince myself to listen more and talk less (including my work days, when I actually put a "listen" post-it note on my phone as a reminder). However, I seem constitutionally prone to blurting stuff out. Fortunately (for me), I married a listener and 'tis true that when he speaks he says things well worth heeding.

    1. There's a fine balance between talking and listening and we all work out the balance for ourselves over time don't we? I sometimes talk too much in an effort to work something out; at other times I am silent because I am working something out. I imagine that could get confusing for folk; but it is very real.

  2. we live in such a noisy world, I love the quiet that comes from your mountaintop!

    1. Oh me too Mo, me too. It is the most quiet and restful place I know...go well.

  3. so true.. for me at least, the quote, the crowds.. and now I will just be quiet... :)

    1. : ) ! the quote does say it rather well doesn't it Cat?

  4. Thank you Fiona. I needed that post today. I have followed your blog for a long time and rarely comment. Toni

    1. Hi Toni! Nice to know you are out there. It never ceases to intrigue me how oftentimes the words we need can appear; even if we didn't know that we might need them, as soon as they are there we know! Endlessly fascinating to me...go well.

  5. Yes, a wonderful, worthy quote. That seat looks like a goody to sit and ponder in silence!

    1. It looks like the lovelies place to perch and just ponder doesn't it? funny how a photo can speak as well isn't it?

  6. Such a lovely and apt quote. Thank you for sharing it.


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