
Sunday, February 4, 2018

The smell of beeswax...

I'm at that point in the arty times when I feel like I have nothing in mind; yet something in mind.

I managed to disappear off to the studio for few hours on the weekend, and decided to just sit down and play with wax.

I have loads of cups of beautiful beeswax in my cupboards. They smell is divine and I am wondering to myself why I haven't touched in ages. Life I guess.

But now I have a few niggly thoughts running about in my head, so I started to just play.

I made some marks on a variety of different papers, grabbed some scraps and offcuts and off I went.

I heated the beautiful wax up in my wax-wok and the dipped to my heart's content.  It surprised me how quickly it happens - I had forgotten that you could make things happen pretty quickly, which is a good thing to remember when you are trying to find something to do with a few stolen moments.

The results were rather lovely.

I was hoping to get the see through of both sides and it happened.

Pencil crosses on one side; ink crosses on the reverse.

Different results where the way didn't go (the central ovoid shapes) seen from both sides.

I like where the wax and the paper meet here - like surf and sand.

Heavy letterpress paper printed one side and pencil circles on the other.

On some old photocopy paper I got lovely bleed through letters.

Things begin to take shape, to take form... possibilities emerge.

And the smell in the studio is wonderful!  Here's to more playing and exploring and wondering what if?


  1. Love beeswaxed paper.... also painting paper with oil, often makes it transparent. Painting some ordinary catridge paper with linseed oil. Transparent at first but turned a warm honey colour. Mhmm must do more.

    1. Linseed oil sounds nice - especially the warmth bit. It is good reminder isn't it sometimes to just sit down try bunch of things? go well.

  2. Mmmmmmmm.....lovely how the other senses can inspire and inform process...and thank you for the reminder that setting (sometimes abbreviated) moments aside for mark-making exploration often bears sweet (and sudden) fruit !

    1. It was great fun Therese - and unexpectedly swift! Always good when you get instant feedback...

  3. Replies
    1. I think so Mo, there is something about capturing within, holding within, seeing through and beyond...lots of ideas to play with a bit I think.

  4. Playing in the studio - isn't that just the time ideas are formed. Look forward to watching where this idea takes you.

    1. They were wonderful wee moments Susan - just love a meander in my mind...

  5. I just love coming here. If I don't comment more it's only b/c I'm slow to get sorted on my phone where I do most of my blog reading. But here at this blog I find so much to celebrate -- your aesthetic (patterning and repetition that I really respond to), your values (so needed today in America, but elsewhere, too), and the accompanying narrative. thank you!

    1. Oh Dee - you are so welcome to visit! It is so lovely to connect with those who can be our 'tribe' with fellow travellers and with folk who simply 'get' us. I love that we live in an age where the interweb exist and allows us to visit each other without leaving our homes, phones or armchairs!Go well.

  6. OOOH - each more gorgeous than the last. Olive oil was interesting a while back. MUST try beeswax!

    1. Isn't it fun? I think I love the lighter papers the most and just want to get back to waxing some of them and seeing what happens! The oils are beginning to sound rather seductive too. Go well.

  7. How I enjoyed these lovely pictures ,one by one !


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