
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Peace in the brilliant blue...

That beautiful big blue sky is with us again...

I was standing on the deck at the house and looked up the drive to the peace tree at the top. The tree is bare and beautiful; and the peace doves and remnants of the peace weathergrams were silhouetted against blue.

From about 25m away I photographed them.

Also just a little in love with the remnant seed pods or some such that point elegantly skyward.

The string remnants are gentle reminders as well - marking history in a way.

 Almost a tangle of them near the trunk.

A zoom-less view from the deck.

I hope you find these as peaceful as I do -I look up often to check them, seeing them sometimes swaying, loving that they remain years on; and that they really shine in the winter with the leaves gone.


  1. such beautiful photos of your Peace Tree!

    1. It so caught my eye this morning - standing strong and serene and sharing peace. The doves are seen so much more easily in winter; they do kind of stand out and chirp for peace I think!

  2. beautiful. i love our winters, too, with the bare bones of the land visible (until the snows come) and then another beauty takes over. barry's doves are little jewels.

    1. The barebones of winter seem so honest don't they V? And big blue skies...go well.

  3. F - beautiful and peaceful against a clear blue background. B

  4. Your weathergram fared much better in our (mostly) dry Texas weather ... tattered, but still legible, it has become a part of Don's latest assemblage and will carry its message to a new home in Colorado next month.

    1. Well that is lovely to know Liz! The weather does take its toll on them in different ways, yet they persist...


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.