
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Of flowers and fading...

Not  a lot of art is happening whilst we are away - there is however a lot of walking, weeding, digging, whippersnipping, moving of heavy flagstones and general yard work to keep us busy.

We try to walk each morning and afternoon and traipse around the moors and this way and that - down to the beach; along to the cove; up to the common land behind us; along the road, and around the village.

We stop often to photograph the small things, the wee things.

For me it is often flowers, and their seed heads as they fade into autumn.

There are so many different thistles - I love them in their powerful purple.

And I love them almost even more as they fade away...

The heather is taking over the hillsides...

And I have no idea which plant this is but I love its shock pink flowers along tall thin stalks by the side of the road...

And just the tiny wee things fading...

And then blackberries from our own bushes - made into a luscious blackberry and raspberry pie.

And finally peace.  I have finished 10 embossed peace bookmarks and am taking them to Thurso Library tomorrow for them to share around International Day of Peace on Friday 21 September. It's nice to share small thoughts of and for peace around the world. We will hang our own installation on our gate on Friday as well we hope.


  1. have you ever watched a horse eat a thistle flower? they do it with such delicacy!

    1. I have Mo! They nibble it ever so gently, selecting just the right point to engage with it...clever things.

  2. We've just finished the last our blackberries, hopefully next year will bring as good a crop as this year.
    I love the colours, both the purples and the faded browns, that you are finding on your walks.

    1. Thanks Jac - how good to be in the same season as you. Our blackberries are finishing up for sure, but I think there is one more crumble in them yet! I also love the browns and the purples - they seem to go so well together. Go well.

  3. Serenity and peace .. Beautiful post...

  4. The pink flower is Rose Bay Willow Herb. There are a few different kinds- greater and lesser etc. It grows on ground that has been disturbed usually and has white fluffy seeds. Have a wonderful holiday it sounds idyllic.

    1. Thank you so much Louise!!! I watched them from the train and was intrigued, see lots from the car as we drive along and now up close they are even more beautiful than I knew. I love their long slender extra bits on top as well! And what a great name to boot.

  5. The seed heads are like bursts of fireworks ... frozen in time until they bloom again


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