
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Rusting away beautifully

Pottering around the garden in Spring and Summer is lovely - you wander past things and are reminded of them.  If you have time you stop and really see them.

This week I noticed the typewriter that is perched outside the studio doors.

It is so beautiful.

I got up close and then got a wee bit besotted with its deteriorating beauty.

This time it was the keys that caught me...

Might be time to pop another message in it and watch it fade and disappear as well...


  1. Typewriters are beautiful. This one reminds me of a prayer flag, releasing itself and its messages into the ether.

    1. What a beautiful way to think about it Dana - it is just like that, gently releasing messages and energy...go well.

  2. I was a fool (so it seems ) to throw my old one away. Soo nice and a soothing picture as well !

    1. Oh Annick, I hope another one finds its way back to you and you can see what happens next...go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.