
Sunday, February 24, 2019

Finishing, slowing, and preparing...

A lot can happen in a week, and for sure this week it did.

I was able to add the finishing touches to the poster commission we printed last weekend - embossing our mark, numbering and titling the edition.

They are now all stacked and dry, ready to package and post.

I then had the moment of slowing down, when a timber I was painting to help with the walkway Barry was building fell directly and perfectly on its edge onto the bed of my big toenail.

Sadly a slightly displaced, crush fracture (like a mosaic) resulted and I have been hobbling around since Wednesday.  I have to sit a lot and rest with my foot up which has proven never do realise how much you hop up and get out and about until you can't.

Still, it is recovering, but will make 6-8 weeks before it can be trusted with weight on it again so that is bit of a bummer as they say. Of course it could have been a whole lot worse.

And so the making is limited, and pretty confined to things I can do when sitting down and surrounded by stuff.

I have started work on couple of books that will form part of an artists' book exhibition with the theme COMPASSION.  It is a theme I could work towards forever, and have lots of ideas for, so that is a start.

Here are some of the papers I have been selecting for a couple of books.


  1. (((Fiona))) yikes! that must hurt so much, may your toe heal perfectly, love seeing the beginnings of your new books of Compassion!

    1. Thanks Mo - it has been bit of a trial; but I am sure that all shall be well. The little books are beginning their journey and coming along nicely!

  2. Oh my goodness ... I think I'm grateful you didn't show us a full view of your toe. And 6-8 weeks?! Ugh ... after being sidelined by sciatica for a couple of months, I can only warn you not to fall into the iphone rabbit hole. That said, I suspect your bookmaking will keep you well-occupied and hope that you will be fully recovered sooner rather than later.

    Meantime, I'm loving the contrast of the grey/black marks with the rust/brown ... wondering if they will end up bound together or in separate works. So much to look forward to ...

    1. Yes Liz - it is not for the faint hearted and should come with a warning! I shall try to avoid the iPhone trap - and take the chance to do some more reading maybe. Things are coming together slowly - bones and books - and I am keeping the two sets of colours separate for now...go well.

  3. Ow ow ow. I'm so sorry for the pain and inconvenience you must endure. With all that you had to do I'm sure you are feeling a little frustrated. I, too, love the papers you will use for your Compassion books and am anxious to see how you make them.

    1. Thanks and - it has been both pain and inconvenience but will surely settle and I shall find new ways to move about and get on with things...the compassion books are coming along well and shall have a story to tell soon...go well.

  4. I hope it mends quickly for you, poor toes! I know you will find the positives, some stitching perhaps?

    1. Thanks Louise - healing is underway for sure. I may yet pick up some stitching - it is such a calming and satisfying thing to be doing with your hands. I have done some paper stitching, but haven't picked any fabric up yet, but that may be next! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.