
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Fragments of a whole plus talking!

Barry and I printed some posters for a conference a while backs and had a lot of fun continuing to print on all sorts of paper after the major print run was concluded.

In preparation for the Compassion exhibition in June, we decided to see if we could create an artists' book using these various papers, that would overlap and overlay the message.

Here are some images from within the book - such delightful layering!

A few more tweaks are needed - trim a bit here; trim a bit there, and then the book can be shown in all of its glory so to speak.

I promised to try and find a way to load the videos Barry took at the In Conversation session at the University of the Sunshine Coast on the weekend, and link to them.

After much faffing around I have come up with a link to Dropbox, where you can find a couple of short videos.

One talks about the book wall at our place; two talk about the work in the exhibition Learning My Lines and the other three about how my art responds to social issues.

He did an amazing job and, if you pop over, I hope you enjoy.

Please find them here...


  1. love the layers of meaning in your book and good to hear your talk

  2. I like this layering very much. Fabulous !

    1. Me too Annick - the combinations you can see through and between different pages; the interactive nature of lifting and much fun! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.