
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Thursday Thoughts...

"If you want peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies". 

Desmond Tutu

Today in Australia is ANZAC Day, where we stop and remember war, and loss. Where we sometimes mythologies those young men who signed up, crossed the world to be a part of something, who died in foreign fields, and who left behind grieving families and friends for whom life never returned to normal.

It is always a tough day. How do we remember without glorifying? How do we pay respects and acknowledge the huge losses and damage, without appearing to promote war as something to celebrate?

This quote however goes to modern and contemporary times I think.  It suggests to us that we can't simply achieve peace if we only talk amongst ourselves. If we only ever converse and acknowledge those who think the same as us; how will we ever build empathy, understanding or bridges? If we only gather information to ourselves that reflects our own views, what hope compassion?

I think it asks us to consider the other. Consider attempting to understand the other, and to find some small corner of common ground from where we can begin.

And I think this is hard.  When the world turns so ugly at times we cannot bear to spend time with those who think so vastly differently to us. We turn off the television, we screen comments or commentators; we choose not to share difficult conversations with those we think will ridicule us or become aggressive.

And yet in small ways I think we must try. In safe settings or with escape plans we need to say some things, we need to let others know there is another way, another view, And of course, we need to listen and work out if there is something, anything in what is said by others.  It's hard, and I probably need to do it more, but I can't sit quietly working and hoping for peace by myself.

But I reckon I need to pick my battles well.

A peace dove in a concrete pathway at Walcha.


  1. For a long time I preached "kill 'em with kindness" at my workplaces ... which was my way of handling impossibly unkind people who I was nonetheless expected to serve as a librarian. It worked more often than not ...

    If only our government would consider doing the same ... build hospitals and schools and daycare centers in the midst of "enemy territory" ... who wouldn't choose healers over haters within their own communities?

    You could say I'm a dreamer ...

    1. Liz I referenced your wise words over the weekend when I needed to respond to a really negative person. It was good and I felt better so thank you! I'm with you as a dreamer...go well.

  2. (((Fiona))) you and Barry are such an inspiration for bringing peace, love and kindness into the world

    1. Thank you Mo - you are a most powerful voice and spirit for peace and love and understanding. I shall send you photos of pennant return home soon!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.