
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Compassion opens

Barry and I managed a trip down to Nambour on Friday to view the exhibition as it was in its final stages of set up... a chance to quietly view the work before the big hurrah of the opening on Saturday.

It was a lovely opportunity to wander around and see the work; gaze at it without interruption; turn pages where we could.

It was nice to see our work amongst so many...

I would have loved a sunburnt country

In a nice piece of synchronicity, Barry's and my works are together here. Light and Love by me with his Precious Library of Peace above.

Peace Mends the World was on show again.

And my Peace Emerging book-ets had their first outing.

The opening on Saturday afternoon was huge!  It was so amazing to see so many folk turn out for artists' books - really really delightful.

There were a lot of lovely works on display. Here are just a few...

Judy Barrass

Marieke Stagg

Sandra Pearce

Ellen Appleby

Katherine Nix

Noela Mills

Ken Munsie

Saffron Drew

Ulrike Sturm

It was wonderful to see so many friends, so much beautiful work and the result of such hard work by Ardleigh and Ken - what an amazing job they did.

It really is worth a visit on a day when you canwander and explore - it takes several times around the gallery to get the full experience!


  1. thanks for sharing this beautiful exhibition!

    1. Thansk Mo - I am sharing other folks' pictures over on Facebook as well...

  2. I was hoping to see some of this wonderful exhibition... especially yours and Barry’s...thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks Donna - we are very happy see our work there amongst so many talented artists. It is a big show and fabulous to see the variety! Go well.

  3. This looks wonderful! So many familiar names and great work, congratulations to all.

    1. Thanks C - it is huge! Facebook sharing is happening too so I shall post others works there so you can see even more!

  4. Thank you for taking us with you to the exhibition ... you certainly whetted my appetite, so I searched it out on Facebook and was especially taken with the video posting. For those who want to wander, the link is:

    1. P.S. I was struck by how many of the compassion pieces included feathers and/or birds ...

    2. Thanks for your followup with he video Liz! Also - the birds and father thing was interesting. I am not sure what it's about, but do know there is a large, year long and more project being carried out called overwintering - drawing attention to the plight of migratory sea birds. It is happening all over the country in galleries and workshops and everywhere and I just wonder if that may have raised awareness and resulted in compassionate responses? Go well. Link here:

    3. Thank you for the link ... a lovely site and I especially liked "The Skies that Bind Us"

  5. Thank you for sharing - it´s a bit like beeing there;)
    many ♡ ly greetings sent by
    Sabine from WO(rms) in Germany


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.