
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Winner and just a bit all over the shop!

Most of my time this week has been spent getting ready to teach at Fibres West from 7-13 July (which seems rather close now!)

I have been holding it in the back of my mind, occasionally putting things aside and kind of planning what I would need and when; until of course I really had to focus and discovered a few things I had to get hold of rather quickly! Laugh.

So a morning down the coast meant I could gather all sorts of bibs and bobs I need to prepare.

The list of preparations is in a couple of parts - one for a lecture, two for a pop-up shop and three for 5 days worth of teaching with 12 students.  I am always conscious that folk may have come from far and away; may not live nearby specialist art supplies places; and that we are 100km away from Perth so access to art supplies locally is extremely limited. Nothing quite like being prepared for all eventualities, and luckily I have an excellent luggage allowance.

Masking off as I make name tags for the class members.

Rubbing powdered graphite in as the background for writing names.

Making a few notebooks that look quiet and gentle like the name of the course, and which might be in the pop up shop. I love the poppy emboss.

My grief cards have been selling well which is nice I think.  They are gentle words and cards and help us reach out to folk we love and care about when they have experienced loss and death.  So I needed to make quite a few more.

As always they take time - the cutting of paper, the setting and printing of the type and then the illustration.  All of these phases need a bit of time in between them so they don't smudge etc, and then into cello bags they go and the associated paperwork gets done!

Some of these are also off to Fibres West. The blue tint from the windows upstairs in the studio really shows through here.

And in between times I have completed a commission which I can't show - a gift for a special person in July apparently.

And I have been working with a local author and poet on pulling together a book of poetry. I did the calligraphic title and we are working on layout, removal of stars, and which sort of paper might work best for a cover.

Here are three options I printed and the decisions are underway.

Yesterday Barry and I delivered our work for the artists' book exhibition Compassion - at The Old Ambo Gallery in Nambour which opens next weekend.  We had both also made some product for the shop there, so more lists and numbering and packaging was done.

You'd have to say I am never bored.

And so to the winner of the giveaway from last week...

I asked the computer to choose a number between 1 and 5 and the number it chose was five - which is Annick!  So I am chuffed to be sending one of my 'Pockets are Political' posters across the ocean to Europe.


  1. love the poppy emboss, look forward to seeing lots of photos of the Compassion show

  2. We shall share lots of photos for sure Mo! and I love the wee poppy book covers too. Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.