
Wednesday, August 28, 2019

This and that in the Highlands...

I have been enjoying doing a few bits and pieces here and there, but we are also getting out and about having wee adventures when we can.

Before we came away I trimmed some linen from my dressmaking projects into squares with the plan of sewing some coasters for the cottage.

I marked out squares as guides using some fabulous 'chalk' I bought in Stockbridge in Edinburgh. We went into the shop that does alterations and repairs for clothes and asked if they knew where we could get tailor's chalk.  Me in English, all the staff Polish so it was pretty funny trying to get the idea across - but I loved the lightbulb moment of insight and translation as the manager grabbed something from a drawer drew onto fabric then rubbed it off with steam - and we had it! I tried to pay and she simply gave to me which was so kind. We gave her a Barry leaf in exchange.

As mentioned I have been brewing my pots of local flowers and we had two amazing days of warmth and sunshine - 25 degrees in the far north of Scotland!!!

The cottage early one morning - that biggest of blue skies felt like home.

The sun streaming in to the cottage kitchen with sweet peas smiling.

A beautiful afternoon's walk to the headland and looking back to Armadale Bay.

This morning was softer light and I picked this posy...

And ta-da! I pulled the threads out of the brew this morning and was pretty happy.  Top left is the sweet peas after they had started to fade; clockwise then red clover, purple thistle and stinging nettles.

I was pretty happy!

And this afternoon on one of our adventures we met quite a few Heilan coos... they are just the best.


  1. love the colours of the land & your beautiful old cottage!

    1. We are forever pinching ourselves Mo about he cottage - the quintessential stone cottage in the highlands...Affordable because it was split three ways and is miles from anywhere!

  2. Oh Fiona, how beautiful! Everything you show is so entrancing. I like how the colors of the threads echoes those in your bouquet. Isn't it interesting how a different place shines a light from another angle on everything you do?

    1. All so very true Dana - I find the subdued colours here entrancing compared to the boldness and brightness of Australia. And I never stop to think how beautiful the weeds are at home...go well.

  3. What a beautiful place and beautiful results with your dyes! Glad you are having the good weather up there- it was stifling near London at the weekend- was glad to get home to shady Gloucestershire.

    1. Its pretty gorgeous Louise and a wonderful place to run away to. The emptiness soothes me. I can only imagine how sticky hot it was down there - I was flummoxed with the heat way up here! Go well.

  4. Having just read your future posts and knowing the outcome of that soft mauve floss, I can't help but compare it to the gentle colors of the posy ... how fortunate we are that we can capture moments in images like these, holding them against inevitable change over time

    1. Its one of the marvels of having a camera everywhere you go isn't Liz,a nd the availability and accessibility of images. It is great for recording process and in this instance who'd have thunk it if they didn't see it??? Go well,


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