
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Thursday Thoughts...

"One of my favourite definitions of the difference between architecture and sculpture is whether there is plumbing or not".

Gordon Matta-Clark

I love this point of differentiation!  It is such a practical and prosaic way in which to think of the difference.  Because sculptures can have doors and windows into them I guess; as well as places to sit and nooks for things.

Sculptures can also have electricity and wiring can't they if they are illuminated?  So the plumbing is really it, because I don't think we're talking about furnishings and appliances and things that aren't embedded in the piece.

I oftentimes think some architecture is really a beautiful piece of sculpture, or at least that it lies further along the spectrum towards sculpture than simple function.

They may be functional, but they are also beautiful and a wee bit huts at the end of our road in the Highlands...


  1. ah but what about Duchamp's urinal?

    1. I thought about it Mo but decided it wasn't plumbed in so all good! Laugh. There is always an exception...

  2. Wonderful fishing huts, hope you are having a good time - that looks like beautiful blue sky!

    1. Aren't they fab Louise!?!?! I love looking at them and the poles across the road for drying nets. The sun has been shining and the heather is on the hills...go well

  3. those fishing cottages look like a patchwork waiting to be stitched

    1. There is definitely something block-like about them. I love how your eye see them - makes me look differently too! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.