
Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thursday Thoughts...

"It's a wonderful thing to let go of your own way of telling yourself the world and allow someone else to do it for you."

Mark Haddon

This is part of the joy and wonder of books for me - that they show me so many other ways of being in the world.  Whether its fictional characters, non-fiction essays or historical or memoir writing.  I learn so much, and learn that so many people embrace and live in worlds so very different to mine.

Reading opens minds, just opens, and I think opening up and being open are such very important things in this world of ours.

Opening allows for empathy, opening allows for interest, opening allows for understanding.

These two books are showing us so much about Scotland, nature, and life - beautiful essays of wild and wonderful places and other things.


  1. Thank you for the book recommendations. I am so enjoying your Scottish posts.

    1. You are welcome Dana -and it since to have you along for the ride! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.