
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday Thoughts...

“The past is always tense, the future perfect.” 

Zadie Smith

Such a clever play on words by Ms. Smith!

We can probably all find our way into it by acknowledging that we have at least heard of the past tense and the future perfect tense.

We may not know the exact definitions of them, but we can recognise they exist.

So she cleverly uses them in other ways,  and yes its fun to be clever, but then you ask yourself does it work?

We all know the world and our experiences are extremely complex, so no one size shall fit all, but definitely for some, the new meanings which appear probably hold true.  For some of us the past is tense - a place of regret, or sadness or trauma.

For many of us, the future is perfect - because hopes and dreams and desires are yet to be tarnished, disappeared or lost.

I think it can work and it just generally made me smile that you can play with words this way.

This book is titled "We have bee-n warned" a very simple play on words, about how much we need bees.


  1. they are modern day canaries in the mine that is our world

    1. they certainly are Liz - I am always so happy to hear buzzing in our garden. Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.