
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday Thoughts...

“What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.” 

Albert Camus

I imagine that this quote could pertain to two of my three rotating topics - life and art; but today I am pondering art so about art it shall be.

There is a certain truth isn't there in trying to understand how we limit ourselves; how powerfully our brain can direct and or limit our pursuits. And I think creatively we are often blocked by whatever odd little stories we tell ourselves about something; or about ourselves.

Whether or not we can do that, are good enough to, know what we're doing or should be doing something else.  All are stories we tell ourselves along the way at times.

Who know what we could do if we didn't tell ourselves a story but rather asked ourselves the questions what if or why not?

I pushed myself so many times when working with Susan on our Pas de Deux collaboration...


  1. such a beautiful photo of your "Endure"!

    1. Yes! I should have acknowledged Ansatasia Kariofylidis as the photographer. My bad.

  2. I wish I could remember where I read this yesterday (I'm getting really good at forgetting) ... anyway, the take-away was that it's better to frame things to do in terms of "I get to do this" instead of "I have to do that" ...

    1. It is so interesting Liz how sometimes simple re-framings can shift our perspective and our attitude. Worth trying I say!

  3. Being trapped within our own mental constructions is a human dilemma. It must be one of the consequences of our brain development. Instinct has no such clutter, but emotion added to imagination creates all kinds of fog.

    1. So true Dana, so true. Our brains are marvellous and trepidatious at the same time I reckon. Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.