
Sunday, March 1, 2020

Getting there slowly

Well, each day we progress the studio space.

It is nice to not have had to do it all in two days say; time has allowed us to work out where things might go, what we might need and to build a solid, useful space before we get stuck in and make it messy!

It has proven an interesting challenge, as we discover the options and possibilities of the place; to consider how to bring together the notions of studio working space, display space, workshop space and possible gallery-type space.  Pretty much in keeping with the way we roll, we are kind of sort of making it up as we go along, and really enjoying the ride so far!

I think we are probably 98% there.  Only a box or two to work out where to put things; and then I think the recording of where everything is and the labelling of storage containers.

For the first time in my life, I think the studio is a place where everything has its place and will (Plan A) be put away. Laugh. I can dream...

The book shelves are in and are filling up.

Barry created the rails where the rollers can hang either side of one of the presses.  The other side has paintbrushes and trowels in their wee hanging buckets.

The rulers are all hanging happily along the side of the bookcase. Because we are leasing I am at tad paranoid about putting things in/on the walls, so we are being creative.

There are still a few things still to find a home

Some new cabinets and display areas for our work, alongside the type cabinets.

A less than glamorous kitchenette area; but it works.

This is near the front door. We are keeping that left hand side wall free and will probably put a hanging system there.  The cabinet in front displays some of Barry's work, and we will probably put a hanging system above it as well.  As mentioned, we are making it up a bit as we go along.

Some of my works displayed in a few nooks.

 Friday night the sky was splendid.

The studio was indeed purple and pink. Today we put blinds on those two front windows but both of us forgot to photograph them.

 And my Dad started popping cymbidium orchids in the garden along the side.

And we all fell in love with this plant which I am yet to truly discover its name.

It feels like a pretty nice space to spend some time...

When I think we can say - yep it's done, I'll try to do a video walk thru as well.
Another Plan A... I have so many!


  1. I just left a comment on Barry's blog asking whether you will be opening the studio to visitors ... I guess possible gallery space answers that question quite nicely.

    Love the solution for storing brayers ... mine always tip out of containers and I have the devil's own time keeping the rollers from coming in contact with anything.

    1. Thanks Liz - there is a little bit of making it up as we go along, but we are enjoying exploring all the possibiliities. the brayer hangers are great - otherwise they do tend to tip and touch for sure. Go well.

  2. Wow ready to roll! your beautiful red flower could be a young Metrosideros?

    1. yes Mo -that seems to be the general consensus - it is delightful!

  3. Fiona, I am so enamored of your new studio. If I could I would teleport to see it in person. I am so excited to see what emerges from it in the time ahead.

    1. Thanks so much Dana - it feels good and I am itching to start doing something. I really do wish somebody would get their act together on teleporting - we really need it! Go well.

  4. Well, as I scrolled down, I came to "that plant" Yes, Mo is right. The Maori call it pohutukawa. A new Zealand icon!
    And now I have studio envy. ;-)

    1. Thanks Dinah - the plant is a stunner. Fingers crossed we can do the studio space justice. Go well.

  5. Definitely a bad case of studio envy. Looking forward to seeing what you make in this fantastic space

    1. Thanks Jac - it really is open and light and so far, seems to make sense. I have tucked so many things away in drawers and boxes I really do need to get them labelled so I can find them again tho! We hope it is a place of happy making...go well.

  6. Fantastic Fi. I am so excited for you both. I truely admire your work ethic, sense of fairness and I look forward to my next trip to Maleny. Go well.

    1. Thanks G! It is very exciting and the odd happy dance and twirl is happening! It would be wonderful to see you up our way once more - take care with you travels...

  7. I have severe studio envy! Another great way to keep rulers together is those magnetic knife strips -- great for mounting to the sides of things and everything hangs flat. xx

    1. It is turning out to be a beautiful space to spend time in C. I like that idea of magnetic knife strips - I am sure I could find places to attach them! Go well.


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