
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A visual diary of sorts...

Things are getting busier as we build towards opening the studio to the public - there are lots of behind the scenes things like stocktake and banners and signs and DL cards coming together as well as the making of many things.

In between art and life have also been places of many moods and many moments. Here are some from the past week.

Playing with my phone's camera I took this in the studio as I was reading and writing.

Early one morning in the studio - the gift of light.

I shellacked my cardboard plate.

One of THOSE mornings...

Dyeing threads with avocado skins.  We have a bumper crop at the moment, so why not dye while the avos grow? The gentlest baby pink emerges.

On a side note the other bumper crop is macadamia nuts...after roasting the house smelt divine.


There has been rain...

This fireball rainbow sunset back in April...

Has now become a jigsaw!

And whilst we stay here, the daffodils and broom and gorse are glorious at the cottage. Thanks to Anna our neighbour for the photo.


  1. that first image is Thursday Thoughts made visible ... I will think of it as I read future posts ...

    and avocado pink ... mother of a once upon a time tiny dancer, I will always think of it as "ballet pink" for the slippers and tights that she wore

    last (but not all, as there is so, so much to respond to in this post, it strikes me how incredibly different your two homes are ... and what delight there is in that

    1. Thank you Liz - I was really happy with the photo (all done by the phone not me) but it was so evocative. Ballet pink is the perfect descriptor for the avocado pink. It is so rich in the jar than gentles. And yes one of the things I ponder and investigate is about two homes that are so different both make me feel right at home. I try to understand how two vastly different landscapes, climates and dwellings both evoke home for me so strongly...go well


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.