
Sunday, July 5, 2020

The sky, the ground and in-between

We have had those glorious days of big blue skies during the week- chilly but stunning.

For some reason, the yellow-tailed black cockatoos have been filling the air with their screeching as they restlessly move from here to there and back and again.

Every single time, they stop me in my tracks; and I have been distracted by them quite a lot this week!

One day's morning midday and afternoon shots, as the clouds rolled in.

In between times I have been doing small calligraphic bits.  The pebbles have been a hit this week in the gallery/shop so it was time to do some more.

And a young visitor left us this message in pebbles which made me smile so much.

And then I began playing around trying to work out how to incorporate calligraphy and type on a card...

And then tried to see which ink would work best (not bleed) and which nib size would be best; and even which nib would let ink flow best.  Decisions decisions.

 I haven't yet arrived at the answer but am definitely closer!

And so to the ground, from which Barry and I dug our latest crop of potatoes.  An excellent haul and I have to say they were creamy and delicious.  I am sorely tempted to simply roast a stack of them tonight, slather them with butter and call that dinner!


  1. black cockatoos are such mysterious wild totemic birds I love their call, they are the rain bringers, your lettered pebbles are such beauties & the grief lettering speaks volumes... there is nothing like the taste of fresh potatoes straight out of the ground, a long ago memory for me!

    1. the potatoes have been great Mo - and yes, the cockatoos have a deep connectedness lettering is rusty but practice is helping. Go well.

  2. always nice to see some calligraphy by your hand, fiona and I can imagine they turned out so sucessfully. A

    1. Thanks Annick - it was good to be doing more lettering by hand...not the best, but getting better! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.