
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Thursday Thoughts...

"Just the knowledge that a good book is waiting one at the end of a long day makes that day happier." 

Kathleen Norris

Book as reward.  It has ever been thus in my life, as far back as I can remember.  The greatest gift I could ever give myself was time to sit down and read.

When I was studying (and it was a hard slog) I would finish up late each night and the reward was not to sit and keep reading anatomy books, psychology books, disease and inflammatory response books. It was to go to bed and lose my self in the soothing (often nothingness) of a novel.

Sometimes the books were challenging literature and I read some great ones as a student; but most often they offered solace, relief and release from the bonds of learning excruciating levels of detail about the human body, movement and management.

I still have days where at different points in the day I think about how much I want to get back to my book. How much I want to see what happens next; and how much I want to just get to the end of the day and read. Bliss!

A sack of books - Singapore National Art Gallery 2018.


  1. Ah Kathleen Norris ... thank you for bringing her (back) to mind ... time for a re-reading

    1. It's nice to get little reminders like that isn't it Liz? And a 'wondering into the bookshelves we shall go!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.