
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Moments in my days

 A month on from the move we are still settling, sorting and sifting.  Learning new ways; trying hard not to be too busy; and still waiting for furniture to arrive!

Still I am loving the moods and moments of the new place. As I drive to exercises early in the morning I am keeping tabs on where the sun rises, where the mist settles and am thoroughly enjoying discovering this new rhythm.

During the week I got sad.  The news that Helen Reddy had died sent me tumbling down a hill.  I felt as if the balance of goodness and rightness and strong women in the world was tilting and teetering and I felt a bit afraid. In the space of about 10 days we lost RBG; then we lost Senator Susan Ryan and then Helen.  Too much.

I blasted out "I am Woman" on the drive home and shed some tears, then went and picked a big bunch of bold Australian native flowers to honour and celebrate her.

I also picked lavender and thyme flowers to soothe me a bit. In the office they sit sending out their gentle vibes.

The sun and sky did some magic as well one evening.

And on Thursday the studio was tipped all akimbo as a film crew arrived for a two-hour shoot!  Lordy, who know where that will go and what it will end up like; but we gave it our best shot.

On arrival home on Friday the sun back-lit the clouds in a wonderful way.

And on Saturday morning the magic rainbows on the kitchen bench.

Moments of beauty; of sadness; of chaos; and of beauty again.  Moments in my days.


  1. a film crew? oh, I do hope this is something we'll be able to watch in the future

    so greedy of me, when you give us so very much here already ...

    but we always want just a bit more, just a bit longer ... letting go of icons especially, is so very hard to do

    1. Fingers crossed it will be available in November some time - just the two minutes but I have seen some stills and they are just lovely. The triple whammy of icons lost did hit me; but we find a way, we find new ways and we persist!

  2. beautiful photos and good to hear you two are finding a bit of time to relax in the midst of settling into your new digs!

    1. There have been some lovely re-imaginings of our life in the smaller place Mo, and we are trying to fulfil them...

  3. F - grand to mark the moments - particularly the clouds, rainbows and flowers that uplift us when we are a bit sad. B

    1. Yes to celebrating moments, and to flowers to lift us, thanks B.

  4. a film crew ? How nice. The studio looks great

    1. They were marvellous and so professional Annick. The studio has returned to normal now which is good! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.