
Sunday, December 13, 2020

Of sun and solar

 Well, what a difference a week makes.  Last Sunday I headed to the studio and the sun was scorching. This week we have a fair bit of rain and general sogginess.

I thought I might as well make the most of the heat and blazing sunshine and try to expose my solar plates. It has been a while since I did them and a bit of a trip down memory lane was required to remember the steps and stages and timings.

Some of the photos.

My high tech approach to exposure; holding them up in the general direction of the sun.  Of course as I was set to go clouds drifted across...

It really was quite hot out, so I ducked for cover and left them resting in the carpark for a few more minutes.

Then I rinsed them off and left them to set in the sun for an hour.

And trimmed them down to size.

A lovely plate - bog cotton.

The heart stones at the front door of the cottage in Scotland.

My favourite imagery - the fishing net drying poles at the cove at the end of our road in Scotland.

And an attempt to capture cloud puddles...

And then testing to see if they worked!

All good jumping off points for something!


  1. and how wonderful that you can reuse your transparencies!

    1. Yes! Lots of fun awaits with them as well...a fun process, especially when it works!


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