
Sunday, February 7, 2021

The commission continued...

In typical fashion I was trying to push both the book and the wall work along a bit together, figuring that I often feel anxious if one thing is left behind; that they needed to be sympatico; and also making sure I didn't use up all my ideas and techniques in one and leave nothing for the other - Laugh!

Testing writing styles and tools on some rusted paper.

I bought a frame! And then I started to check if some of the elements would work with it.

The map mentioned a five-wire fence, so I thought about how to create that...stitching twigs but resolving the wire approach with Barry's help.

I was beginning to think this could work.

I received the hi res scan of the map as a file, so was able to print it onto fragments of papers to see whether they could be incorporated into the wall work or not.

And started playing with layouts

And then a twig broke when I started to stitch.

So a replacement was found and all was well.

Next up - the final pieces revealed.


  1. the five-wire fencework is cunning ... and I have to confess that my mind keeps wanting to "read" the stencil as a backward "corral" in spite of the lettering being nowhere close to that ... I guess it's the wannabe Texan in me (ha)

    1. I was so pleased we could pull off the five wire fence...just that bit of looping back...and I totally get how Llorac can read as corral backwards. It always fascinates me how our brains interpret things according to our existing understandings...I understand that it is the name Caroll backwards!

  2. Replies
    1. Me too Mo - I loved how it worked and sat above the paper. I would love to use the idea again sometime. Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.