
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Printing, tidying and others

 The last few days have been a bit of a mixed bag.  Barry and I usually alternate at the studio - he does Thursday and Saturday, and I do Friday and Sunday.  I did have a marvellous time printing on Friday; but we both spent both days of the weekend at the studio doing a major studio-blitz. See Barry's blog for the real dirt.

My printing is a bit experimental, using some words of Pauline Prior-Pitt a poet who lives in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland.

I am still playing with that paper that has the stone and the stitching of ripples on it, so it is turning out to be quite the sampler of things.



But then the weekend came along and it was all hands on deck as we sorted through things in preparation we hope, for a bit of a studio sale - like a carboot sale or a garage sale or...something we can't quite put our finger on; but it will be all the things we no longer need or use; or which simply need to find new homes.

Here are some bits of printing gear that we decided we could let go of.

Here is some furniture for locking up chases all numbered by size now and ordered in a box.

Same with the word furniture - all measured in picas.

We were weary by Sunday evening - having checked every press, every drawer, every cupboard, every box; and tidied up desks, frames, bubble wrap, artworks, paper bags and even under the sink!

When sorting frames I came across this wee one and picked up a cement heart and thought - yes they go together.  So it's now at home waiting to be mounted and popped on our ledge of precious things.

And Sunday late afternoon light on some grevilleas - a golden glow.

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