
Sunday, July 25, 2021

How some days roll...

 Saturday began with a broken computer. Attempting to update my operating system overnight something went seriously awry and it would not boot up again. Sigh, and off to the computer doctor it went. 

I went to the studio and started a list for the day. The last thing I wrote down was sit in sun and read poetry - and it was the first thing I did!

I didn't notice at first; but the title of the book was meant for the day - mid winter, short days and long shadows.

After enjoying that time - so restorative - I went onto the main task of tidying my desk. Hah. I got distracted by the things I was tidying and went and had a play with some of the teabags I had been saving to use for chine colle. Clearly the prints were already made so I just tested sticking some of the papers on instead of using the papers in the printing process. I laughed at this outcome.

The sheds really didn't work; and the coo looks hilarious!

So I went back to what I think was the original idea - of printing onto a full teabag - and it was a big improvement. Here the teabag is over the print which would not happen in real printing time.

So I then went over the top of the teabag with an ink pen to see if it would look OK and I think I've landed with something that might work. The colour of the bag is very coo-ish! 

I went further in my tidying and have now got something reasonable looking as a desk.
The next task was to finalise workshop prep. All things being equal I am teaching both days next weekend and one day the weekend after. Who knows? We are all steady knowing that things can turn on a dime and we may or may not be able to gather. But onwards!

Part of my prep was getting some threads together for stitching which I did. I always mark my supplies and tools with my signature stripy washi tape so I can find them again after all the sharing..

Waxed linen threads

Londonderry linen threads.

And then just lots of gathering and filling boxes, writing of notes, and printing of handouts so that we are good to go.

And just in passing, the mornings have been lovely as I headed to exercises early on  Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week. That is not a UFO - just reflection from the car dashboard!


  1. A breath of fresh air...
    We have lovely skies at the end of the day now.

    1. The air really is fresh at the moment - and our evening skies are stunning - I stop most days and say oh just look at the sky....wonderful!

  2. love the photo of the UFO illusion!

    1. Couldn't repeat it if I tried Mo - but I love it too!

  3. love your tea-bag cows ... which led me to recalling manure tea as a garden amendment

    1. I love associations like that Liz! And yes the colour was just right.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.