
Thursday, July 8, 2021

Thursday Thoughts...

I like intellectual reading. It’s to my mind what fibre is to my body. 

 Grey Livingston

I had a cheeky laugh at this one; or at least the way I read it!

I try to have a cycle of: non-fiction reading; literary fiction reading; and trashy reading.  Sometimes I get too caught up in tough intellectual reading and then really just need a mind-numbing read - hence the trashy novels.

I also like to read quality literature as well - which can challenge and confuse; and is sometimes followed by the release of some trashy novel.

The reason I laughed at this one is that I was thinking about how fibre gets your gut moving; how it moves stuff along and out, and wondering if that was what he meant: intellectual reading pushes the crap out? Suggesting perhaps that we absorb way too much rubbish; and then along comes intellectual reading and moves all that stuff along and out, allowing our minds to be open to the larger matters of life?

So perhaps I should make sure that each time I read a trashy novel, I follow it up with some intellectual reading. I just need to get the sequence of my reading cycle in synch...

Fields of wheat in the north of Scotland...


  1. sometimes I have to read to escape my mind!

    1. I agree entirely Mo - it can slow your mind down and distract you as well.

  2. I totally get this cycle of reading.

  3. I totally get this cycle of reading. I often double up on the literary fiction and skip the non-fiction.

    1. I like that it forces me to challenge myself a bit, but never so much that it is chore. Double literary fiction is a great thing to do! Go well.

  4. I used to tolerate junk food/reading far better in my younger days ... these days I most appreciate whole grains and nonfiction

    1. It's such a blend of things isn't it? I need respite from some of my tough reading or brain overload; but can't take too much of it. Like junk food it doesn't feel like its doing me much good except for in the moment (and sometimes that's just what the doctor ordered!). Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.