
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Weathergrams begin!

 International Day of Peace is on 21 September every year.  For several years now Barry and I have made and flown weather grams and other bits to send gentle ripples of peace through the world.  

We oftentimes pack some up and post to friends as well to share the peace.  Since Covid has impacted postal timeframes so much, we need to get ahead of ourselves a bit so that things can get posted earlier than has been the case in the past. A bit like Christmas in July, it feels like Peace in July, which isn't a bad thing at all really...

Again because of Covid, cafes have been providing cutlery in small brown paper sleeves.  My dad collects these for me and brings them over to be printed on. In a quiet moment I thought I could begin.


 I worked out we had gathered 70 so far, so 7 piles of 10, all with their hole punched.

And then the brown string threaded through for hanging...

And pile upon one another.

And then those delightful threads swirling together, but in an ordered sort of way.

Setting, proofing and printing is next.

Through the week we had interesting clouds and skies and fogs and winds. One morning the water tower looked like an upright torch I thought, with the misty sunrise.

And flowers, always flowers.  I bought this bunch of white peonies and eucalyptus leaves and am just enjoying their gentle and slow unfurling; what a gift to my days...


  1. could not help noticing the lovely pattern the strings made..... Irene in N Ireland

    1. Yes Irene, they always grab my eye too! And I look at them from all sorts of directions...go well.

  2. (((Fiona))) you and Barry are such an inspiring duo!

    1. We just keep on keeping on with small gestures and wishes and hopes for peace...go well.

  3. love how your annual weathergrams are the-same-but-different

    1. They have definitely morphed into a family - siblings I guess. Linked but unique...


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.