
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thursday Thoughts...

“But I’ll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you’ll come to understand that you’re connected with everything.” 

Alan Watts

So true.  I imagine if hermits are living life in the forest, singularly and alone, they may well come to experience a sense of wholeness, oneness and connectedness to earth and to nature and all things.

Even if we are not actual hermits, I think that when we go to the forest, to the quiet heart of nature we do come to understand and realise that we are somehow connected to the depths of the earth; to the height of the trees; to the birds above and the scurrying animals below.  

Perhaps when we go to the sea and we see the far horizon; we feel the whip of the wind; we watch the powerful surges of the ocean we feel a part of it.

At the top of a mountain, with the majesty and distance spread out below us and in front of us, when we are above the birds and when townships and buildings appear minuscule, we have that sense of being one.

For surely we have come to know over recent years, that we are all connected even tho we may be apart.

The Black Isle, 2018.


  1. the "get very quiet" part is the challenge ... many, if not most, folks leave TVs on all day, put in ear buds while walking, turn on the radio in the car, endlessly scroll through Instagram reels, etc etc ... anything and everything but just going quiet ... is this the cause of the seeming self-ishness of we the people?

    1. I thought about this a lot Liz and realised I must be quite different to many folk as I adore quiet and abhor noise! Sometimes I like to have the background noise of music or a podcast, but today in the studio I had absolutely nothing. Just me and the place and it was delightful. I think I will aim to be actively quiet more often, even tho my life is pretty quiet most of the time, and see where it leads me. Go well.

  2. F - now seems a good time to be hermits. B


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