
Sunday, February 13, 2022

More this, that, and the other...

As I progress some projects and some investigations into real work; I am also finding time to experiment, test and try things.

Last month we went to replace one of our fitted linen sheets. We were sure we could use parts of it, so I set out to see what could be salvaged and how.  First up I removed all the elastic and that is now sitting there ready for whenever I next need elastic.

I decided to try out a new pattern for a top, and it worked out fairly well.

With some of the leftovers I made 4 tea towels and 4 serviettes. So that was pretty good.

Other small yet useable bits became polishing and cleaning cloths!

I have become infuriated of late about how our governments are responding to Covid deaths.  It seems that they are being pushed under the carpet, not mentioned in dispatches and generally speaking it's all OK because most of the folk dying are old. I am furious.

I know our numbers are so much smaller than other countries for lots of reasons, but its the callous, unprincipled and inept manner in which we opened up, knowing that this would happen that makes me so angry.  All of these people were loved, they were brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandparents, daughters and sons. Not only have they died because we couldn't keep them alive; but they oftentimes died alone; without visitors or family alongside them.

I feel as if  I am shouting into the wind, but I had to print these wee cards, noting our deaths in the past two years; and the deaths LAST MONTH.

And more cheerily, in my efforts to experiment I have done some small watercolour studies - here's the washing line at the cottage on one of those blustery days!



  1. those numbers ... tragic ... and inexcusable

    and it's so so much worse here ... I was stunned to learn that a long-time colleague just died, felled by Covid ... she was still teaching third grade and I can't help thinking that some parent willfully sent an infected child to school or refused to let their child mask or didn't get their child vaccinated ... any one or all three ... and now she's gone

    at least there is the comfort of cloth ... well-worn linen so beautifully frayed ...

    1. For us Liz they ere indeed inexcusable - combined with no access to testing, not enough staff in clinics and hospitals it has been disgraceful. And I'm so sorry to hear of your colleague's death - so many deaths feel as if they were preventable - and to lose a peer, passionate about their job and committed, is quietly devastating. And yes to holding cloth and working cloth and letting it move through your fingers...go gently.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.