
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

In the aftermath

Despite a busy, full and somewhat distracting few days over the weekend; we did manage to fit in some small bursts of type-sorting.

We are selling a type cabinet with trays of type and have begun sorting and re-arranging it all before the folk need to collect it. Or at least that was Plan A before rain delayed play.

Thursday before all of the drama...

Random wood type - lower case and punctuation moved. Tick.

Saturday morning before the drama. The plan is to move all the type we are selling into the grey and white print rays; and move the type we are keeping from the grey trays into other trays.
It's quite the logistical project - working out where type will end up and what has to move to enable something else to land in the right spot!

On Sunday morning after two days of dramas, it felt calming and relaxing and about all I could manage to move type and create order. A systematic, rhythmic process with simple and pleasing results.

One of the three-way-moves taking things out and setting them aside before being able to put them back in.

In the process, we have found some very small amounts of type which look a bit lonely in their big trays - for further sorting later I think.

Some words about the rain - I was lying in bed listening to it, unable to sleep on Thursday night and luckily I remembered these words when I got up (I may yet add to it after the past few days).


Benign precipitation, water falling from the sky.

The benefactor, reviver of life.

Quenching. Nurturing. Renewing.


This rain was not that rain.

This rain forced itself into slumbering ears

Pounded alerts into your brain

Triggered dark imaginings of damage and destruction

Dismissive. Relentless. Demanding.

This rain raged.





FD 25/2/22

1 comment:

  1. water will have its way ... and can't help thinking the very earth is raging at the depredations of humankind


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.