
Sunday, April 17, 2022

Cottage Post

 Having happily gleaned so many wonderful pieces of timber and rust as we walk together, I was inspired to make my own post of sorts.  The scale would be more me - smaller - and other than that I did not know much about what might happen.

I spent time looking at bits and pieces and putting them together, and in the end I stopped planning and worrying and just responded to what was in front of me.

Barry helped me solve the application issues - how can I make this, go with that, there? 

But it was truly mostly my own work.

A favourite detail from the back.

I did the hammering, drilling, gluing and sawing. Under supervision!

And here it is, firstly in the garden, showing all sides.

What I really loved tho was when I photographed it against the cottage wall, resting on a great find from a generous crofter’s stash.

The harmony of those colours, pure bliss.

I asked my dad where he thought it might go, and he simply said “in the lounge room”. I had been thinking the garden,  but we popped it into the windowsill in the lounge room, and it looks right at home. As I think about it, the front is to the street and the back is in the room, but that might not be right, and I might also turn it around sometime and see what happens. Fun!

Taken at night after a 9pm knock on the door with a hand delivery of a bottle of Bollinger from Australia! We have the best friends.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.