
Sunday, May 22, 2022

A hotch potch

 The weeks are full and moments of slow creativity hard to find; but there are always things happening.

I taught on Tuesday and had fun with two friends as they letterpress printed onto their own artwork. Too busy to take photos, but the results were heading places!

We have been hosting the live streaming of the Sydney Writers Festival here in Maleny the past few days and have had several great sessions. It is so good that they stream to community venues and enable rural folk to participate in city events.

Otherwise my moments have seen me doing plenty of odd little things...

Opening a box of art supplies to find these gem like watercolours.

Visiting a friend I found this wonderful piece of rusty wire and began imaging all sorts of things.

I started looking through old workbooks and came across this lovely fold that I had completely forgotten about.  Beginning to ponder how I might use it...

I'm looking to re-purpose a book where the pages had been damaged. Slow, but weirdly satisfying. Like going back in order to go forward again.

And then there's the weather still...

We did have a clear afternoon one day, and this lovely sky appeared.

But  heading to exercises in the morning is certainly dark and requiring real commitment!

So definitely a real hotch potch of things in my life at the moment!


  1. how this is so full of potential ...

    1. I hope I can make something from it all - I feel like I have a heap of springboards to bounce on and I hope that I get lift off on a couple!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.