
Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thursday Thoughts...

“If something burns your soul with purpose and desire, it’s your duty to be reduced to ashes by it.” 

Charles Bukowski

This appears to be a rather extreme description of how we need to do the stuff we need to do. I do understand the link between something burning my soul; and then being reduced to ashes, yet perhaps it could have linked ‘shines brightly within you’ with ‘stand in the spotlight with it’ or some such.

My sense is that he is really trying to get to that experience of having a burning passion for making or creating and that if you experiences this; then you should really submit to it, go with it, and work with it until you have nothing much left to give.

Follow it wherever it leads, use it to fuel your creating; be driven by it. If you feel really strongly or passionately about an issue; then throw yourself into it, give it your all and as they say in sport; leave nothing on the field/court or in the pool.

I am often inspired to make in response an issue or a set of circumstances that need a voice; that need to be amplified that need to be heard.  I share the feeling that when that happens, I should follow through and give it my heart and my hours. I can't just do a superficial thing and be done with it; I invest in it. I spend time getting my message and my making right.

I may not be reduced to ashes; but I have given it my all.

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