
Sunday, July 17, 2022

An amazing exhibition, Part II

 The last few rooms of installation at The Soul Trembles at GOMA in Brisbane brought enormous joy as well.

This piece Connecting Small Memories spoke to me of community and connections; of family and domesticity and the small things that bring us together.  Somewhere in amongst it, it also spoke of being bound, contained, perhaps limited.  It was really interesting to examine and discover so many many differing elements.

The next piece Uncertain Journey was bold.  A canopy of red threads above you tethering, smothering, red vessels. Astonishingly grand and amazing. A contrast to the small detailed viewing in the previous room.

Another piece of magical monochrome stillness, but with contained movement. Suspended movement. Bird-like sheets of A4 80gsm paper... with so many many beautiful lines and wispy shadows.
A Question of Perspective.

This final piece Accumulation - Searching for the Destination was another breathtaking wonder.  As you walked in you became mesmerised by the bobbing suitcases. I feared somebody had accidentally set them in motion and now they couldn't be stopped. An interesting response because the previous pieces had all been so still, and the motion felt somehow a bit illegal. However, the movement was deliberate and I could relax and enjoy it even more. 

From beside and beneath.

And we left in an almost trance-like state. How art can move you and transport you...


  1. here in the UK airports are stacked high with lost/unclaimed/wrong destination suitcases so the suitcase piece with all its movement is so appropriate, no idea whether this problem exists elsewhere in the world. thank you for the images, looks to be an amazing exhibition. I work with textiles not a million miles from paper

    1. Oh Irene - how true it is about suitcases! Nobody seems to be able to work out how to ensure people and their bags end up in the same place anymore. It is such highly relevant piece for now isn't it? You would have enjoyed this exhibition - textiles and paper are siblings for sure. Go well.

  2. ... something delishus about a red thread ...

  3. F - an amazing experience - so much to take in - worth repeating. B

  4. I was particularly taken with the threaded path in "Connecting Small Memories" ... and once again, trying to imagine the time and effort taken in the installation of an exhibit such as this one ...

    thank you, too, for the video of "Accumlulation, Searching for a Destination" ... mesmerizing!

  5. Wow wow wow. I love these pieces, especially Uncertain Journey! Thank you for showing them....I would never have known about them otherwise.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.