
Sunday, September 25, 2022

Craft Fair and a new studio nook

 Barry and I had the opportunity to take part in the Watten Craft and Produce Fair on Saturday, and we had a really good time. The Fair was busy! Loads of good products and produce; excellent crowds and plenty of folk to chat with and share our work with.

Barry setting up.

Fiona setting up.

Table set up!


My solace stones...

In the afternoon, the sun streamed in...and all in all, a great day was had.

Meanwhile back at the cottage...

After our most recent visit, when I had begun to feel like Virginia Woolfe, and the need for a room of one's one, I had thought a lot about how to create studio space whilst sharing the cottage with Barry and Dad.

Grand dreams of a stand alone lovely little timber structure out the back turned more towards reality and I began to think of the only spare space we have - on the upstairs landing between the two bedrooms.  The space is approximately 1.9m long, but only 30cm deep. Tricky, but not insurmountable.

As with everything in the cottage, IKEA came to the rescue and we found a desk that was 1.5m long and 30cm deep, two stools which could tuck underneath/alongside it and a storage system that was also only 30cm deep! They arrived last week and were immediately made up.

Coming up the stairs...

Standing in the upstairs 'powder room'.

How wonderful is that!?!?! Already I love it and have used it. I have unpacked everything from my art boxes and files and piles and they have tucked away brilliantly.  And I have started making some small things. So very chuffed.

After yesterday's sunshine, today, the wind was blowing a gale, so we threw a wash on and it spent less than an hour out there (some pieces were dry in 15 minutes).

And came inside and stewed some of our very own apples, and some brambles we had picked this morning.

Not pretty, but delicious!


  1. I've never heard the term brambles (I'm in the US) and these look a bit like raspberries to me? Off to investigate...

    1. I hope you found them Kim! Back in Australia we would call them blackberries I think. Delicious whatever they may be called, go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.