
Thursday, September 15, 2022

Thursday Thoughts...

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” 

 Pablo Picasso

This quote has sat in my long list of possible quotes for years and I like the way in which he succinctly explores both the meaning and the purpose of life.

I daresay that if you asked a business person or a farmer or an astronaut for their thoughts on this they may respond differently - yet as I look at it,  perhaps they all understand that their skills are gifts too?

As ever the balance between a search for yourself and what matters to you and/or is unique, and a self-indulgent focus on yourself to the exclusion of others, is at play, but I don't think we are at the extremes here.  

As well, I like the approach that says once you have found it, your purpose is to give it away.  Picasso probably did that in spades, but for the rest of us it may mean sharing it. Giving things away isn't always possible for a whole bunch of reasons, but I do like that the generosity of spirt is at the heart of his thinking here.


  1. I couldn't help but play with the words (inspired perhaps by your gently lettered daily words) ... how the "gift" can also be something treasured by self, the thing or way of going that makes one most happy and joy-full ... and the "giving away," like a secret revealed, can be the showing of that happy and joy-full endeavor to others ... your blog is the epitome of all that

    1. What a lovely investigation of the thoughts Liz - the gift to self and to others… go well.

  2. It seems like the urge to pull a strong and necessary part of growing up. Finding out who you really are inside as opposed to what others want you to be is crucial to becoming a whole human being, but the individual is not the end-point of the process. Once you know (at least a little) about who you are, contributing whatever that is back to the world solidifies your purpose and makes a gift of yourself to everyone. That's what I get from Picasso's words.

    1. Beautifully put Dana. That search for meaning is a lifelong process and the giving back of ourselves is indeed a gift, go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.