
Thursday, November 3, 2022

Thursday Thoughts...

If we read books all the time we would be very unhealthy, as we would not get any fresh air, exercise, or contact with nature. Also we would not spend time with other people. There are a lot of plusses to reading - it's an interactive brain workout - but like everything else that's beneficial in moderation, overdoses can be dangerous. 

Margaret Atwood

I know it's true, but I do love to retreat with a book!

In trying to establish a case for reading all the time, I wonder if this was written when the only book form available was the hard copy. Perhaps these days you can in fact get fresh air, exercise and nature - listening to an audio book as you garden, jog, or go for a walk? 

If perhaps you read books, then arrange dinner parties to talk about them with friends/family does  reading books create social interactions?  My dad, Barry, myself and a good friend have created an informal book group. If there is a book one of us really thinks is good or meaty or worthy of dissecting and discussing we share it around and then arrange a book club dinner.

Always low key but with lots of time to talk and explore.

I probably do agree with her, but I also think books can create social interactions and for some folk, accompany them on outdoor activities.

Probably not great for your health, but most enjoyable!


  1. that dinner looks pretty healthy (and definitely delicious) to me! ... but I take Margaret Atwood's point as novels tend to totally ensnare me ... I recall a Dan Brown novel that kept me up until I read the last page at 3:00 am, all the while knowing the alarm clock was set for 7:00 (and no, the ending wasn't worth it, but yes, I did get the job I interviewed for that day)

    1. I definitely think that Ms Atwood was on the right track broadly speaking, and of course too much of anything isn't good for you (but I do really like pizza!). I can recall staying up way too late, too often, but the magic of getting lost in a book is timeless Go well.


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