
Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Nature in the city

 During our visit to Sydney, we were staying at Coogee - a beachside suburb.  We were fortunate to walk every day, sometimes hot and sunny; at other times brooding and grim. 

On our walks we watched the water and the trees, the flowers and the sandstone cliffs, and enjoyed the difference between our country town here, and the city there.

Despite having seen acres and hours of fabulous art; here is some of the natural beauty of the city.

Jagged clifftops

Fabulous banksias

Sandstone marking on the cliff at the end of our road

Some of my favourite flowers ever - flannel flowers.

The different light

The eucalypts budding and blooming

The baths covered by big swells on different days

The shimmering sea

A trip to Katoomba in the Blue Mountains to see our friend Caren.

And finally, the cat we sat!

Her name is Jaffa.


  1. I was intrigued by the Coogee baths several posts back and your latest picture makes it doubly so ... I don't think I've ever seen anything like it!

    and the flannel flowers recalled a post that Mo wrote some years back ... memorable then as now

    1. Ocean baths or pools seem to be quite common here, at least in the state of New South Wales I like that they give a sense of security when at the beach - within the rock walls of the pool you can play in the sea; but also know you are pretty safe. There are 3 maybe 4 sets of baths as we walked along Coogee. Thanks for the reminder of Mo's post - I mentioned in the comments there how much I love them too! She captured them so stunningly...


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