
Sunday, June 11, 2023

Testing ideas

 As mentioned previously, I seem to be in a phase of testing and trying and not so much into completion. Nevertheless, these times are always good for just wondering might happen? what might work? Could I do this? Could this become something?

And so it was as I tested whether I had the right glue for attaching pebbles to paper. I went down tot he studio late one afternoon and glued the pebble into position and then left it to dry overnight. Mostly so I wouldn't be tempted to to keep checking if it was working!

I returned to the studio the next morning to discover that yay - the pebble had held!  Superglue was the glue of choice in case you are interested.

I kind of like these times of no deadlines or real pressure as my mind lights on something and I can just do it. So it was with this delightful stack of Koh I Noor watercolour palettes I had purchased a year or so ago. I realised I had no idea what the colours were really like so thought I might do some colour swatches. I was in a circular mood, so grabbed some scraps and cut them into circles, then divided the circles into six and began to paint. I also figured the circles might sit inside each palette.

But after they were all finished I was playing around with them and seeing if they might balance standing together.

Which they did. And I wondered what if they stood next to each other? Teetered together would be more apt.

And then I thought - would they make a book? So I hinged some tape on the back of them, and yes, they did hold.

And in the end I saw butterflies... 

Such lovely play and discovery and now I have all the swatches in a folded, stacked 'book' of sorts.


  1. creative AND useful..clever idea to always have these swatches at hand and to have something colourful in the studio. A

    1. Thanks Annick! That funny little swatch' book' is so delightful and colourful. I love it when things have those double elements of useful AND creative! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.