
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Thursday Thoughts...

"Books may well be the only true magic." 

Alice Hoffman

There are any number of definitions magic, and where they include references to power or influence over things due to a supernatural force, I am not sure that books are necessarily doing that.  The power and influence that books wield seems to me to be due more to force of an individual's imagination, skill and knowledge.

But then who knows? Maybe writers are guided by a supernatural force?

Definitions that suggest magic is something that seems to cast a spell (MW dictionary) gets closer to the mark for me. I can attest to having been 'under the spell' of a good book. That feeling of returning from some other place, some other time as I close the chapter or the book and re-integrate myself into the world around me. That definitely feels a bit spell-bound.

As for being the only true magic; I am always wary of only; and of the combination only true

I will however unashamedly sign up for books being magic.

I know books are magic, but so are wintery landscapes...

New York City, 2013.

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