
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The beauty of the place...

 Barry and I have been in Orkney for a couple of days R& R after our busy times with his exhibition, so this post is simply a few of the views and the beauty around our cottage in Armadale. 

Every day, the light and the sky draw our eyes upwards and outwards. 

And in this case of the fence lines on our precipitous coastline.

The summer garden lingered quite a while as the temperatures were mild if not flat out hot, so we have gathered many a small posie and been cheered by them inside.

The sky was darker than this; but the contrast is still wonderful with the orange of our montrbrecias.

Sunshine after rain across the bay.

Early sunshine.


Lovely layers of clouds and light and sky.

The fishing net poles looking dramatic.

Out the back window, just before bed one night.

Early morning walk, straw bales lined up with the green and the gold and the grey.

It is a wonderful place to wander and see so many moments of beauty.

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