
Thursday, November 9, 2023

Thursday Thoughts...

"You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously".

Sophia Bush

oftentimes wonder how we integrate the bits of ourselves where we say - we are enough - with the bits of ourselves where we say - we are still learning. 

We are good enough at what we do, or who we are; and here we are. Plus, we are working on it.

This gives permission I think for both statements to hold true, which again is something I like in this world - the ability to hold slightly different thoughts as one. No need to be this OR that. Less need to be binary - if you aren't with us on this you must be against us on everything. 

Nuance is such a lovely notion that we seem to have lost sight of. We are all the most complex gathering of feelings, concerns, understandings and learning, and yet so often our lives get simplified into one thing or the other. 

Whereas, most of the time in fact, we are many things, we are multitudes - we are both a masterpiece AND a work in progress.

Definitely still a work in progress...

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