
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Gift for stitching

I have completed three of my seven scrolls for a major work for the Scottish exhibition, and it is stitched in a lovely russet colour. Here's the back!

But a few weeks ago I was gifted this timber box from a relative, and whilst I thought it might have some threads in it, I was thrilled to discover so many! 

I think there will be hours of sorting here; but I am glad that so many of them are already grouped in colour ways.

And clearly, there are lots of cards for rolling threads onto and writing down their numbers...

But it was this pair that really caught my eye. I have taken them out and am letting them air; and think the variegated mauve one might be the one to begin stitching the longest scroll with. The variegated russet and green one is also very tempting!

As we head through Autumn and into Winter, I can see my future holds evenings inside, steadily rolling and wrapping and writing...


  1. such a wonderful trove ... with perfect timing

    1. Indeed! Trove is the perfect word for this; and I am so happy with the timing. The weather has turned as well...

  2. fhow exciting. You will be making good use of them

    1. There will be plenty of choices to make and what an amazing stash! Thanks Irene.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.