
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Life is full and varied!

 The title says it all - even tho it was almost going to be simply "just a bit more of this and that".

Time is precious at the moment and there are commitments on many fronts. Not as much making is happening as I would like, but I do think I am managing to stay broadly on track for the Scottish exhibition.

Here is a sample of the second half of week...

Wednesday morning I gathered some fallen autumn leaves and made some small posies from the garden - lavender and violets - in preparation for setting the dinner table that night.

Wednesday afternoon we hung Tory's painting for Dad. My brothers and I purchased it for Dad as he had admired it several times at the Pebbles exhibition. One very chuffed fellow.

Come home and tried to sew up these two cubes, after having printed these blended images onto calico, and cut them into 6 squares.

Hosted dinner Wednesday night and then flew to Melbourne on Thursday - away for less than 24 hours; in Melbourne for about  18! Attended the Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration at the State Library of Victoria. An important and powerful speech by Tanya Plibersek.

The table settings were just my kind of thing!

Flew home Friday and the sun gave us this show later in the day as it set...

And then Saturday morning was misty!

Saturday morning I got the chance to test stitching some travel lines on the trial cube - checking one or two strands of thread; how to use the frixon pen (can I iron fabric which is over a cement cube to erase it???)

I liked the two strands of thread best. And yes, I can iron away the blue of the pen!

And then Saturday lunchtime to Sunday afternoon, we hosted the Live Streaming of the Sydney Writers' Festival here in Maleny! It was a great couple of days - so many interesting people, conversations and books.

Life is never dull, and now here I am late on Sunday afternoon, hoping to sit and stitch a bit more of my fourth scroll...

1 comment:

  1. hmmm ... those cloth cubes are intriguing ... btw, I've found a hairdryer also works to erase heat-sensitive lines

    love the colors in your opening image ... echoed quite nicely in the sunset


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