
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Thursday Thoughts...

“The wind is the moon’s imagination wandering.” 

Saul Williams

I chose this quote today on my pondering of life as I think it might help on dark, windy nights.

I am not a fan of those nights when you lie in bed and can hear the wind whistling or roaring or howling, depending on its mood. I find it quite unsettling.  

So to consider the wind as some more benign form is a lovely thought, worth thinking on. 

I stopped and thought about how much I love the moon - in all of its phases and guises. I love it when it is a tiny fingernail fragment; when it is rising above the ocean and making a ladder across the sea; and when it is glowing fully and bright and majestically all night.  So to be able to associate the wind with the moon is a good thing in my book; and the idea of the moon having an imagination that is out for a wander - even more delightful!

1 comment:

  1. I love the moon. It's one of the rare things that is always with us during our lifetime, remaining unchanged (apart from the lunar cycle) and yet appearing in infinite variations.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.