
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Making cards of art...

 In preparation for the Scottish exhibition I have decided to print some cards that folk may or may not want to buy as a memento of the show.

The last ones arrived today so I have four different images/details of works that will be displayed.

There are two 'landscape' cards. First up a detail of Travelling Home, and those lovely lovely pegs.

And secondly, a close up of Bundled and Burnt.

There are two 'portrait' cards as well. The first is a close up of the wrapper of The Emigrants.

And the second is a detail of some of the scrolls that make up All That was Lost.

And even funnier, here are some close-ups of the close-ups on the cards!

They are all now wrapped and packed and ready to head off to Scotland. I on the other hand, still have a way to go to be packed and ready to head off...


  1. I have always loved to buy cards from an art exhibit ... my biggest problem is I hate to send them away, so I keep them to look at and remember

    fortunate are they who will be able to do the same at your exhibit

    1. I always buy cards too Liz and do exactly the same! I do find them hard to give away or send...I hope some folk take some of these away, to keep or send but as nice reminders.

  2. hope you do well at the exhibition in Scotland. Good luck and safe travels ! A


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