
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Finishing off

 Well, our Scottish adventure begins in earnest tomorrow as we head off to our home in the Highlands.

We have been working right up until we go, but have also taken moments to enjoy magic and beauty.

This first shot was of my shadow after I arrived at exercises one morning - it was 3 degrees outside and I had taken a lovely shot of the sunrise; and then glanced down and loved the texture and mystery here on the concrete.

But back to finishing the work... I was wanting to hang my burnt bundle in a Perspex frame. Barry very kindly made me an extra long brass rod needle for threading my very fine nylon thread through the envelope so we could tie it on. Here it is on our high tech work bench (kitchen bench) with a hand towel as protector.

We did some measuring and then began drilling the holes. The first hole was a dream. The second hole not so much. The drill bit warmed up so much it began to melt the Perspex, and then when it had, that meant that the drill bit kind of got glued into the hole in the Perspex.

An interesting dilemma.

But lots of patience and ingenuity working out to encourage the drill bit out of the hole were brought into play and after a wee while we had successfully removed it.

We then tested threading the nylon thread through the envelope and through the holes and tying them off and I think it will work.

Our work station.

And as a complete and utter absurd aside - how is this? On Saturday we were alerted to three stags (with excellent antlers) wandering around below us here in sub-tropical Maleny in winter!

I wonder if we will see any when we actually get to Scotland???

And for more moments of beauty, I took this photo of a ceramic heart that hangs off a sculpture near our front door. 

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