
Monday, August 12, 2024

The Trip North

 We have made it safely to the cottage, after a good trip with no hassles or delays. It is just a long, long trip.

As we headed off from our first night’s stay at Pitlochry a friend asked what was the drive North like? What sort of country did we drive through? Were there forests or water or mountains or was it barren?

That got me thinking and Barry very kindly helped document the view as we drove for about 6 hours.

I compiled these 24 photos into 6 and they sort of document the different parts of the trip, but by no means capture it all.

We started at Pitlochry and headed through the Cairngorms. Heading down the hill into Inverness, and over the bridge.

We come down another hill to cross the Cromarty Bridge, a fabulous sweep of a bridge, past fields with summer crops, and then we head inland into the countryside.

We climbed a fair way and then drove down alongside the Dornoch Firth, going through a few showers. Into Lairg and past the wee hoosie on Loch Shin.

Edging closer, the single track road begins just out of Lairg, and we pass a great big Wind Farm as well. The road into, and out of Altnaharra.

And now we are in our country - the Flow country. Mountains, single track roads, and wild emptiness. Looking down at Melness and the Tongue causeway, then we turn right towards Armadale.

Looking out to the water as we drive through Coldbackie, then up another hill to BettyHill hotel. The road into Armadale, and a wee bit further along, the gate to the cottage (and the bins!).

There is a certain colour theme at play throughout the day.

We are here, we are safe, we are happy.

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